Truth is...

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Truth is...

Post by BillybobcatThortan » Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:08 am

Hey bobcat fans, I had some things I really wanted to get off my chest, I've been holding this in & feeling like this for a long time now but I can't hold it in any longer & feel like it would be best for me personally if I got it out. Let me start out by saying that I love my fellow bobcat brothers no fan really can understand what we go through on a day in & day out basis endless you have been a college football athlete and lived the life. I enjoyed my time at Montana state university as a student & as a player, I have built friendships that will last a life time & wouldn't take my experience back even if I was given the opportunity too, to my brothers on the field the bond we had will forever be remembered something that I will cherish for a lifetime. I am writing this not to maliciously attack anyone's character I'm simply here set the record straight & to be honest & truthful. I'm a huge believer in karma and practicing what you preach, with that being said Rob Ash is not the man he portrays himself to be to the fans & the media. The truth is rob ash ( please excuse my language) could give two FU*** about us (the players) we feel like all he cares about is himself, all he focuses on is himself & what us players MUST DO to make him & his brand look good bonuses & quarterback club money is all he seems gives a damn about. Rob Ashes last worry in the world is winning games as long as the program looks good & presentable to the fans & boosters & money is coming in then everything is A ok, we as players feel like it's a huge slap in the face in the most disrespectful way, as cliche as this may sound we go out and risk our lives for this man & this program & in one split nano second if something where to go wrong like an injury or if a player where to get in trouble watch & see how fast the loving coach will turn his back on you. It's so hard to play for a man like this when you see us out there going all out its for each other & for our fans who support. Rob Ash has no real will to win and a lot of the time we have to question if he's even fully into winning & being a champion doesn't seem to be a big deal at all, but let a player get caught celebrating after a huge play or getting excited after a pic, or talk a little trash during practice to intensify the competition, or literally getting fired up in general then it's a huge problem because then it becomes, your not being a model citizen, your able able to show emotion , your not being perfect your not looking classy enough for the people that give me money, you are making the brand look bad, YOU ARE MAKING ME LOOK BAD, and I can't have that because MY money must keep coming in. I swear if he put all of his energy & enthusiasm into coaching the team instead of coaching how to protect the brand we would be national champs! ( and we have had the talent to do it multiple times). I just feel like a man that preaches integrity & unselfishness & building character should seriously take a long look in the mirror and ask him self ,am I honestly practice what i am preaching to these young men. I was all in for Rob Ash until I really began to open my eyes and see how much of a snake he truly is. I lost all respect for him during a meeting The first meeting after Denairus McGee (sorry if I misspelled his name) had departed from the program, I sat and watched this man solely blame that loosing season on McGee! Blamed it on us loosing because he was in a frat ,which he had been in the 2 prior seasons as well ! Granted those seasons where quote " winning seasons" so during that time it was never an issue. As you can imagine I like the rest of my teammates where in complete shock & disbelief that he would blame a season on one man ! A man that was the driving force to multiple championships, a man that helped raise banners in the rafters, a man that helped build your legacy as a bobcat coach, a man that filled seats in those stance, & last but not least a man that put money in your pocket & helped you feed your family. What made the cowardly act worse was that d- Mac wasn't even in the room to defend his self when his name was being tarnished. What happened to being responsible & taking credit and accountability for your actions ? For him to blame the whole season on one man who gave his heart and soul to the team was just disgusting. Ash is selfish & only cares about ash If you have a serious injury as a player you may has well chalk it up to finding another school or be prepared to go to your local jc because your good as gone. So much for the four year commitment he promised you when he came to your home on the visit. Endless you have about a year left of school he will keep you & force you to quit football & have you focus on school this is called a medical retirement he pushes this on most injured players even when the players would love to come back from injuries & play ! The reason why he does this is not because he actually cares about you and wants to see you make your family proud & actually leave boZeman with an education its because the more kids that are able to graduate the better he looks on the r.p.i & the more money he gets on his bonus so much for being a good example & leader of the team. He will go to the extreme to cover his ass & throw one of his players under the bus in a heartbeat endless yes you are a player worth some value or better words would be (putting money in his pocket) take John Ellis & Christain Williams for example I use these players names because they are no longer with the program, Williams never panned out & retired but everyone knows Ellis & yes he has dropped a lot of balls but he has also caught a lot & was vital to the teams success, anyway they both got in some trouble and ash PAID for a lawyer for both of them, they told me ash was dedicated to the word not getting out! Now I really have to ask, do you really think this man did that to cover their asses ? Or to cover his own ?They where very lucky in that situation but my point is it is illegal to pay for a kids attorney, how do I know this because I called the NCAA and checked ! I'm sure ash new this as well ,But yet you teach us players to do things by the book and not to bend the rules & do the right thing, I guess he meant do the right thing until his name is on the line, again where was your integrity you speak so much of in that situation. Cody Kirk was a great teammate stand up guy & a great person ,His senior year ash allowed him to do his own workout plan instead of what the team was doing. Cody is not to blame in this situation but as a coach what type of message do you send to your players to allow that ? If im a qb club favorite, if I have people coming to the game ,if im an all American then I can do what I feel like doing. Once again I am not knocking Cody at all I love the guy and he will die for his teammates on that field but as a coach I don't feel like you should allow that it sends the rest of the team a bad message. & once again goes back to what I've been saying the whole time , that it's all about ash and all he truly cares about is hisself & his own image he could give a damn about us. Please trust me when I tell you I am not the only one that feels this way. It's sucks because the rest of the staff is amazing coach ione coach Mac coach Brian Vonbergan when he was here coach kemp , coach petry coach coach mac & of course coach beck & north are all guys who genuinely care if it wasn't for a lot of those guys I don't think I would have made through , they taught me & others how to be men I will forever be blessed to have met & spend time with those guys. The program would be so much better off with coach ione or coach Mac was in charge! Those are guys we actually want to go out and lay it down on the line for. Guys who know that the CAT Grizz rivalry actually means something guys who can install fire in us & not soft wimpiness , GUYS THAT ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT WINNING,guys that we would be honored to follow & play for. Maybe one day it will happen until then sadly get used to subpar seasons & ass kickings from the Grizz Both will keep happening because ash doesn't give a damn about winning or his players and that's coming from a player . GO CATS !!
Last edited by BillybobcatThortan on Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by bobcat99 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:52 am

Well this should be entertaining.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by GRIZ1STCATS2ND » Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:32 am

A paragraph: (from the Greek paragraphos, "to write beside" or "written beside") is a group of sentences with one topic. it is also a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences.

Oh, and FYI it's McGhee. (wink wink)

That's all.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by One Cool Customer » Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:42 am

Did this happen last year as well? Another ash bash post from a 'player'? That's either one hell of a troll post or...that's one hell of a troll post

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Re: Truth is...

Post by BillybobcatThortan » Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:50 am

One Cool Customer wrote:Did this happen last year as well? Another ash bash post from a 'player'? That's either one hell of a troll post or...that's one hell of a troll post

I'm not a troll sir, I did nothing but state facts I would never speak down on someone's name like that if what I was saying wasn't true.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by GRIZ1STCATS2ND » Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:04 am

BillybobcatThortan wrote:
One Cool Customer wrote:Did this happen last year as well? Another ash bash post from a 'player'? That's either one hell of a troll post or...that's one hell of a troll post

I'm not a troll sir, I did nothing but state facts I would never speak down on someone's name like that if what I was saying wasn't true.
You did nothing but state your opinion. I'm sorry you got your feelers hurt but what exactly is the point of your manifesto? I mean, what are you trying to accomplish? It smells of butt hurt and nothing less. What is constructive about your post?

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Re: Truth is...

Post by BillybobcatThortan » Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:49 am

So me stating that ash threw Dmac under the bus in that meeting was an opion? Me stating that he PAID for Christain Williams & John Ellis is opion ? Ash giving Cody Kirk permission to do his own workouts is an opion? I seriously erge you to ask any player who was not a freshman this season if he threw Dmac under the bus, I don't know if you would be able to take overwhelming answers because you clearly can't handle the truth. I erge you to somehow get in contact with John Ellis & Christian Williams they have nothing to hide, & I erge you to ask this years senior class & upper classman if Kirk had his own work out plan, that way you can see how factual this post really is. I know you have the upmost trust in your beloved ash but the truth hurts. & to answer your question the point was to show fans what he's really all about, did you not read the post ? & the constructive part was giving credit to where credit was do , which I did when I mentioned the rest of the coaches. Thanks

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Re: Truth is...

Post by GRIZ1STCATS2ND » Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:39 am

BillybobcatThortan wrote:So me stating that ash threw Dmac under the bus in that meeting was an opion? Me stating that he PAID for Christain Williams & John Ellis is opion ? Ash giving Cody Kirk permission to do his own workouts is an opion? I seriously erge you to ask any player who was not a freshman this season if he threw Dmac under the bus, I don't know if you would be able to take overwhelming answers because you clearly can't handle the truth. I erge you to somehow get in contact with John Ellis & Christian Williams they have nothing to hide, & I erge you to ask this years senior class & upper classman if Kirk had his own work out plan, that way you can see how factual this post really is. I know you have the upmost trust in your beloved ash but the truth hurts. & to answer your question the point was to show fans what he's really all about, did you not read the post ? & the constructive part was giving credit to where credit was do , which I did when I mentioned the rest of the coaches. Thanks
I erge you to learn how to spell. I guess everyone is entitled to their opion. Seriously, did MSU really give you a diploma? To me, Ash is fine right where he is. I'm a Griz fan.

It's not like you uncovered the Watergate scandal. I don't essentially doubt most of what you are saying it's just that this is all old and insignificant so called information. Bobby Hauck is still looking for a job. I'm sure he would treat the players with more respect. :roll:

Don't be such a drama queen. All of this crap is petty and it only gets to thin skinned people. Get over it and put your diploma to good use. *rolls eyes again*
Last edited by GRIZ1STCATS2ND on Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by stevo » Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:50 am

Why do all the good threads start in the middle of the night? :roll:

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Re: Truth is...

Post by GRIZ1STCATS2ND » Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:08 am

stevo wrote:Why do all the good threads start in the middle of the night? :roll:

Next question please.

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Truth is...

Post by LongTimeCatFan » Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:31 am


I get where you're coming from. The message from Rob Ash reads loud and clear to anyone looking. He's a politician. Period. He's lost in his own delusion and will fail to recognize that every self preserving act is actually driving people away that see through his BS.

I get it. It's hard to play with the heart of a champion when the fire get snuffed out. McEndoo would be a great coach. He's still a fiery guy, but also a great mentor and team builder.

But you're going to have a hard time convincing the Ash guards of anything wrong with Ash. You see, these guys won't and don't want to believe it. They're content with the mediocre seasons, the perennial beat downs in November, etc., just as long as he keeps producing winning seasons, keeps a high APR and graduation rate, and keeps the image of the program up. So the only way to take a guy like this down is the same way Jim Tressel went down. If you know there were NCAA violations, report them to the NCAA not the MSU compliance office. Let the chips fall where they may.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by GRIZ1STCATS2ND » Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:48 am

" them to the NCAA not the MSU compliance office...."

....Or Bobcat Nation.

This is what I was getting at. If it's a big deal, why address it here?

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Re: Truth is...

Post by bobcatmaniac » Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:57 am

I doubt this was written by a college graduate. Possibly a younger brother of one? I understand there were problems "in the locker room" last year. Your anger would be better served if you write to the president. I see this thread going at least 20 pages. Have a good week!

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Re: Truth is...

Post by catsrback76 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:36 am

bobcatmaniac wrote:I doubt this was written by a college graduate. Possibly a younger brother of one? I understand there were problems "in the locker room" last year. Your anger would be better served if you write to the president. I see this thread going at least 20 pages. Have a good week!
Yes this is wisdom. A fan forum is probably NOT the place for your concerns to be aired. Should you be a past player as you stated, the President would love to hear a clear breakdown of your concerns. She is someone who would take the time to listen and evaluate your concerns. She is also the person to make real change should there be a need!

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Re: Truth is...

Post by Rich K » Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:59 am

The truth is I refuse to try to navigate through prose written like a long text message.

I got through a few of what I assume were intended to be sentences and then my mind started thinking about the unibomber and his manifest.

Then I remember one angry drunk night I began my attempt at becoming the next Bertrand Russell. Then I remember that old Bert died an angry frustrated old man.

Good thing I sobered up.

Now that's the truth.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by bobcat99 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:15 am

LongTimeCatFan wrote:BBT,

I get where you're coming from. The message from Rob Ash reads loud and clear to anyone looking. He's a politician. Period. He's lost in his own delusion and will fail to recognize that every self preserving act is actually driving people away that see through his BS.

I get it. It's hard to play with the heart of a champion when the fire get snuffed out. McEndoo would be a great coach. He's still a fiery guy, but also a great mentor and team builder.

But you're going to have a hard time convincing the Ash guards of anything wrong with Ash. You see, these guys won't and don't want to believe it. They're content with the mediocre seasons, the perennial beat downs in November, etc., just as long as he keeps producing winning seasons, keeps a high APR and graduation rate, and keeps the image of the program up. So the only way to take a guy like this down is the same way Jim Tressel went down. If you know there were NCAA violations, report them to the NCAA not the MSU compliance office. Let the chips fall where they may.
Pretty much this. I hadn't heard of the Ellis and Williams thing before...that seems unlikely to me. Would be awfully stupid.

The rest I had heard of. There's a very large sentiment from former and current players that Ash doesn't care about them. Hard to get up and give it all for a coach like that.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by wbtfg » Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:52 am

This is very concerning...I didn't realize we had players writing at a 7th grade level.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by FBCat » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:12 am

Truth is I think most head coaches are exactly like this. It's all about their image and wallet. How many do you see every year bolt for the next job opportunity? The only reason the realm want to win is to boost their own stock. None of this surprises me or concerns me. But he had better keep winning and win more.

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Re: Truth is...

Post by 91catAlum » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:18 am

Interesting that we have a whole other thread about how Ash won't take injured players off the field but this alleged former player says Ash forces injured players off the team...

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Re: Truth is...

Post by p8nted » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:19 am

Horrible just horrible if that is the the best you can write and expect to be taken seriously. Ow. go back to freshman writing in High school

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